NE Imperial Jumpsuit


Experience cinematic perfection with these handmade, high-quality replica garments crafted by true artisans. Every piece is meticulously designed using carefully selected materials, ensuring not only screen-accurate detail but also exceptional comfort and durability. If you are seeking authenticity, these garments offer the perfect blend of craftsmanship, comfort, and screen realism, allowing you to step straight into the world of your favorite universe.

Timeline: New Era
Material: Nylon
Lining: /

Fit: Regular
Style: Coverall

Closure: Zipper
Lineage: Screen

Release: Ma\1

Weathering is not just welcome for the most authentic screen-accurate look but may be essential. Subtle distressing, fading, or scuffing can add depth and realism, ensuring your outfit looks like it stepped straight off the screen. Taking the extra time to refine the fit and finish will enhance both wearability and visual impact, bringing your character to life in stunning detail. Pictures for reference only.

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This item: NE Imperial Jumpsuit
Original price was: $69.90.Current price is: $62.91.