We’re focusing on Star Wars and custom-making costumes. I have defined several key periods that are essential for understanding which costumes belong to which timeline and which shoes work best for each character.

The first timeline, well-known to every original trilogy fan, is the Original Trilogy itself, covering Episodes IV, V, and VI. This is where much of our work is concentrated, as these costumes and characters remain some of the most sought after. Additionally, we enjoy more stability in the Costume Reference Library (CRL) for this period, making it unlikely for the costumes to undergo significant changes. The materials needed for this work have been available for quite some time.

The second era is the Prequel Era, but we don’t do as much work here because the costumes are so intricate that they require extensive tailoring to look good. We prefer to offer costumes that are more replicable.

The third era we refer to as the New Era, which includes movies like Rogue One and Solo, as well as TV shows like The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and Skeleton Crew. We have a lot of work involving the New Era since these characters are exciting and in high demand. However, getting approvals for certain costumes can take longer. Ironically, while it is faster to obtain good references and high-quality screenshots, these screenshots make things more complicated in terms of colors, materials, and the selection of different items required to complete a costume. Thus, the process of getting costumes approved takes significantly longer. We also need to invest more time and resources since we often have to change patterns, source various fabrics, and conduct tests. Sometimes, we even develop our own fabric because it simply does not exist otherwise, which involves additional costs due to the need to produce it in large quantities.

Finally, the fourth era encompasses the Sequel Trilogy, which includes Episodes VII, VIII, and IX, focusing on the First Order. We do not carry many costumes from this period either. It seems that the New Era, especially Rogue One, has captivated many, leading to increased development and costume builds for troopers concentrated in these productions. While we have some items from the Sequel Era, they usually overlap with designs from the New Era, which allows us to continue offering them.

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