I personally have 55 registered costumes in the 501st and over 10 in the Rebel Legion…I know the challenges we have to go through!

Damn Prolific” is how my own costume making has been described by many…

15+ years making costumes !

I started my journey into making and collecting lifesize replica of sci-fi props and costuming in 2009 with a 181st Tie Fighter Pilot, then a stormtrooper, then Vader….eventually what was supposed to be “just one costume” has ended with building well over 200 costumes for myself and others.

Currently I have over 55 costumes officially registered with at least one registered costume in each detachment. Through the process I had to learn what it means to be a “maker”; the techniques behind the crafts involved. I had to use all the knowledge I had from my creative work in the field of graphic design and extrapolate into the world of making .

Along the way researching and becoming more “familiar” with fashion, fabrics, colour and materials. It also put me on the forefront of such drastic change and “revolution” in the community through the advances of 3D printing, the rise of 4K imagery and the role of social media in transforming the community in our search for visual accuracy – what is means and how complex of a concept this is.

Feel free to browse the following posts from my personal archives and build journal as they can serve as inspiration and/or guide for your own journey.

Secure Payment

100% Guaranteed via PayPal


To ensure everyone always gets their gear within a reasonable time frame, l open the shop for a limited number of days known as a”Wave”. I collect all the orders and organize the production schedule. Typically most orders ship between two waves, some may take slightly longer depending on demand.

Legion Ready

CRL Compliant


Once you’ve ordered, you should get a recap email. Once payment is received and your order is entered in the production sheet, it will be marked as processing. When finished, your order goes to our transporter and as soon as it is shipped you will get a tracking number.

Safe Delivery



Upon getting your order you have 7 days to contact me if something is not right (wrong/missing items, quality issue…) – we will work to find the best way to fix this. If your orders gets lost (rare occurrence) we will work through the process of getting you a replacement package.